On this site you find more information on my research, publications and teaching. My work focuses on the development of new neuroimaging and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for:
• clinical diagnostics,
• cognitive neuroscience research,
• language research,
• neuroeconomics,
• multiple sclerosis research,
• diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),
• and the human reward system.
For a complete list of my scientific original publications click here: www.publons.com. Further information about my research activity can be found at ResearchGate . Publications in peer-reviewed journals (alphabetical order)
My laboratory is currently developing MRI methods to improve the spatial resolution, temporal resolution, sensitivity, interpretability, and applications of microstructure sensitive diffusion weighted MRI, i.e. diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).
My major interest is to improve our understanding of the brain’s function and dysfunctions to better understand human behavior and brain diseases.