This page contains a selective list of my recent major publications in language research.
- Ruscheweyh, R., Deppe, M., Lohmann, H., Wersching, H., Korsukewitz, C., Duning, T., Bluhm, S., Stehling, C., Keller, S.S., Knecht, S., 2013. Executive performance is related to regional gray matter volume in healthy older individuals. Hum.Brain Mapp. 34, 3333-3346.
- Keller, S.S., Deppe, M., Herbin, M., Gilissen, E., 2012. Variability and asymmetry of the sulcal contours defining Broca’s area homologue in the chimpanzee brain. J.Comp Neurol. 520, 1165-1180.
- Mohammadi, S., Keller, S.S., Glauche, V., Kugel, H., Jansen, A., Hutton, C., Floel, A., Deppe, M., 2012. The Influence of Spatial Registration on Detection of Cerebral Asymmetries Using Voxel-Based Statistics of Fractional Anisotropy Images and TBSS. PLoS.One. 7, e36851.
- Floel, A., Meinzer, M., Kirstein, R., Nijhof, S., Deppe, M., Knecht, S., Breitenstein, C., 2011. Short-term anomia training and electrical brain stimulation. Stroke 42, 2065-2067.
- Keller, S.S., Roberts, N., Garcia-Finana, M., Mohammadi, S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., Deppe, M., 2011. Can the language-dominant hemisphere be predicted by brain anatomy? J.Cogn Neurosci. 23, 2013-2029.
- Jansen, A., Liuzzi, G., Deppe, M., Kanowski, M., Olschlager, C., Albers, J.M., Schlaug, G., Knecht, S., 2010. Structural correlates of functional language dominance: a voxel-based morphometry study. J.Neuroimaging 20, 148-156.
- Meinzer, M., Mohammadi, S., Kugel, H., Schiffbauer, H., Floel, A., Albers, J., Kramer, K., Menke, R., Baumgartner, A., Knecht, S., Breitenstein, C., Deppe, M., 2010. Integrity of the hippocampus and surrounding white matter is correlated with language training success in aphasia. Neuroimage. 53, 283-290.
- Menke, R., Meinzer, M., Kugel, H., Deppe, M., Baumgartner, A., Schiffbauer, H., Thomas, M., Kramer, K., Lohmann, H., Floel, A., Knecht, S., Breitenstein, C., 2009. Imaging short- and long-term training success in chronic aphasia. BMC.Neurosci. 10, 118.
- Jansen, A., Lohmann, H., Scharfe, S., Sehlmeyer, C., Deppe, M., Knecht, S., 2007. The association between scalp hair-whorl direction, handedness and hemispheric language dominance: is there a common genetic basis of lateralization? Neuroimage. 35, 853-861.
- Jansen, A., Deppe, M., Schwindt, W., Mohammadi, S., Sehlmeyer, C., Knecht, S., 2006. Interhemispheric dissociation of language regions in a healthy subject. Arch.Neurol. 63, 1344-1346.
- Sommer, J., Jansen, A., Drager, B., Steinstrater, O., Breitenstein, C., Deppe, M., Knecht, S., 2006. Transcranial magnetic stimulation–a sandwich coil design for a better sham. Clin.Neurophysiol. 117, 440-446.
- Breitenstein, C., Jansen, A., Deppe, M., Foerster, A.F., Sommer, J., Wolbers, T., Knecht, S., 2005. Hippocampus activity differentiates good from poor learners of a novel lexicon. Neuroimage. 25, 958-968.
- Floel, A., Jansen, A., Deppe, M., Kanowski, M., Konrad, C., Sommer, J., Knecht, S., 2005. Atypical hemispheric dominance for attention: functional MRI topography. J.Cereb.Blood Flow Metab 25, 1197-1208.
- Jansen, A., Floel, A., Van, R.J., Konrad, C., Rotte, M., Forster, A.F., Deppe, M., Knecht, S., 2005. Crossed cerebro-cerebellar language dominance. Hum.Brain Mapp. 24, 165-172.
- Knecht, S., Sommer, J., Deppe, M., Steinstrater, O., 2005. Scalp position and efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clin.Neurophysiol. 116, 1988-1993.
- Lohmann, H., Drager, B., Muller-Ehrenberg, S., Deppe, M., Knecht, S., 2005. Language lateralization in young children assessed by functional transcranial Doppler sonography. Neuroimage. 24, 780-790.
- Deppe, M., Knecht, S., Lohmann, H., Ringelstein, E.B., 2004. A method for the automated assessment of temporal characteristics of functional hemispheric lateralization by transcranial Doppler sonography. J.Neuroimaging 14, 226-230.
- Deppe, M., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., 2004. The investigation of functional brain lateralization by transcranial Doppler sonography. Neuroimage. 21, 1124-1146.
- Jansen, A., Floel, A., Deppe, M., Van, R.J., Drager, B., Kanowski, M., Knecht, S., 2004. Determining the hemispheric dominance of spatial attention: a comparison between fTCD and fMRI. Hum.Brain Mapp. 23, 168-180.
- Lohmann, H., Deppe, M., Jansen, A., Schwindt, W., Knecht, S., 2004. Task repetition can affect functional magnetic resonance imaging-based measures of language lateralization and lead to pseudoincreases in bilaterality. J.Cereb.Blood Flow Metab 24, 179-187.
- Floel, A., Knecht, S., Lohmann, H., Deppe, M., Sommer, J., Drager, B., Ringelstein, E.B., Henningsen, H., 2001. Language and spatial attention can lateralize to the same hemisphere in healthy humans. Neurology 57, 1018-1024.
- Knecht, S., Drager, B., Floel, A., Lohmann, H., Breitenstein, C., Deppe, M., Henningsen, H., Ringelstein, E.B., 2001. Behavioural relevance of atypical language lateralization in healthy subjects. Brain 124, 1657-1665.
- Deppe, M., Knecht, S., Papke, K., Lohmann, H., Fleischer, H., Heindel, W., Ringelstein, E.B., Henningsen, H., 2000. Assessment of hemispheric language lateralization: a comparison between fMRI and fTCD. J.Cereb.Blood Flow Metab 20, 263-268.
- Drager, B., Floel, A., Deppe, M., Lohmann, H., Henningsen, H., Knecht, S., 2000. Association and dissociation of language dominance and handedness – possible impact on recovery from aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics 13, 279-282.
- Floel, A., Knecht, S., Sommer, J., Deppe, M., Lohmann, H., Drager, B., Henningsen, H., 2000. Functional significance of bilateral language dominance. Journal of Neurolinguistics 13, 286-289.
- Knecht, S., Deppe, M., Drager, B., Bobe, L., Lohmann, H., Ringelstein, E., Henningsen, H., 2000. Language lateralization in healthy right-handers. Brain 123 ( Pt 1), 74-81.
- Knecht, S., Drager, B., Deppe, M., Bobe, L., Lohmann, H., Floel, A., Ringelstein, E.B., Henningsen, H., 2000. Handedness and hemispheric language dominance in healthy humans. Brain 123 Pt 12, 2512-2518.
- Knecht, S., Drager, B., Deppe, M., Lohmann, M.H., Floel, A., Henningsen, H., 2000. Variability of the side and extent of language lateralization in the healthy population. Journal of Neurolinguistics 13, 297-300.
- Deppe, M., Knecht, S., Papke, K., Henningsen, H., Ringelstein, E.B., 1999. Functional TCD: Comparison with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Klinische Neurophysiologie 30, 292-298.
- Knecht, S., Deppe, M., Ringelstein, E.B., 1999. Determination of cognitive hemispheric lateralization by „functional“ transcranial Doppler cross-validated by functional MRI. Stroke 30, 2491-2492.
- Knecht, S., Deppe, M., Ringelstein, E.B., Wirtz, M., Lohmann, H., Drager, B., Huber, T., Henningsen, H., 1998. Reproducibility of functional transcranial Doppler sonography in determining hemispheric language lateralization. Stroke 29, 1155-1159.
- Knecht, S., Deppe, M., Ebner, A., Henningsen, H., Huber, T., Jokeit, H., Ringelstein, E.B., 1998. Noninvasive determination of language lateralization by functional transcranial Doppler sonography: a comparison with the Wada test. Stroke 29, 82-86.
- Deppe, M., Knecht, S., Henningsen, H., Ringelstein, E.B., 1997. AVERAGE: a Windows program for automated analysis of event related cerebral blood flow. J.Neurosci.Methods 75, 147-154.
- Knecht, S., Henningsen, H., Deppe, M., Huber, T., Ebner, A., Ringelstein, E.B., 1996. Successive activation of both cerebral hemispheres during cued word generation. Neuroreport 7, 820-824.