
Temporallappen-Epilepsie (TLE):

In Münster und Bonn wurden die metabolischen und strukturellen Grundlagen der Marklagerveränderungen von TLE-Patienten gemeinsam in mittels Diffusionstensor-Imaging (DTI) und Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (MRS) untersucht. Die DTI-Ergebnisse einzelner Patienten wurden mit der Münsteraner DTI-Normdatenbank verglichen. Die bei TLE nachweisbaren Marklagerveränderungen und metabolischen Auffälligkeiten wurden auf i.) prä- und postoperative neuropsychologische Defizite; ii.) elektroenzepha-lographische Fokushinweise bei kryptogener TLE und iii.) psychiatrische Komorbiditäten bezogen.

SFB TR3 Teilprojekt A08 Veränderungen der weißen Substanz bei Temporallappen-Epilepsie: Untersuchung der strukturellen und metabolischen Grundlage und deren funktioneller Auswirkungen. DFG SFB TR3 Temporallappenepilepsie

Twelve selected (most relevant) project-related publications:

  1. Gerdes, J.S., Keller, S.S., Schwindt, W., Evers, S., Mohammadi, S., Deppe, M., 2012. Progression of microstructural putamen alterations in a case of symptomatic recurrent seizures using diffusion tensor imaging. Seizure.
  2. Keller, S.S., Gerdes, J.S., Mohammadi, S., Kellinghaus, C., Kugel, H., Deppe, K., Ringelstein, E.B., Evers, S., Schwindt, W., Deppe, M., 2012. Volume Estimation of the Thalamus Using Freesurfer and Stereology: Consistency between Methods. Neuroinformatics.
  3. Mohammadi, S., Keller, S.S., Glauche, V., Kugel, H., Jansen, A., Hutton, C., Floel, A., Deppe, M., 2012. The Influence of Spatial Registration on Detection of Cerebral Asymmetries using Voxel- Based Statistics of Fractional Anisotropy Images and TBSS. 2012 PLoS.One. (online).
  4. Keller, S.S., Roberts, N., Garcia-Finana, M., Mohammadi, S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., Deppe, M., 2011. Can the language-dominant hemisphere be predicted by brain anatomy? J.Cogn Neurosci. 23, 2013-2029.
  5. Keller, S.S., Ahrens, T., Mohammadi, S., Gerdes, J.S., Moddel, G., Kellinghaus, C., Kugel, H., We- ber, B., Ringelstein, E.B., Deppe, M., 2011. Voxel-Based Statistical Analysis of Fractional Anisotropy and Mean Diffusivity in Patients with Unilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy of Unknown Cause. J. Neuroimaging.
  6. Keller, S.S., Ahrens, T., Mohammadi, S., Moddel, G., Kugel, H., Ringelstein, E.B., Deppe, M., 2011. Microstructural and volumetric abnormalities of the putamen in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia 52, 1715-1724.
  7. Duning, T., Kellinghaus, C., Mohammadi, S., Schiffbauer, H., Keller, S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., Deppe, M., 2010. Individual white matter fractional anisotropy analysis on patients with MRI negative partial epilepsy. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry 81, 136-139.
  8. Meinzer, M., Mohammadi, S., Kugel, H., Schiffbauer, H., Floel, A., Albers, J., Kramer, K., Menke, R., Baumgartner, A., Knecht, S., Breitenstein, C., Deppe, M., 2010. Integrity of the hippocampus and surrounding white matter is correlated with language training success in aphasia. Neuroimage 53, 283-290.
  9. Mohammadi, S., Moller, H.E., Kugel, H., Muller, D.K., Deppe, M., 2010. Correcting eddy current and motion effects by affine whole-brain registrations: evaluation of three-dimensional distortions and comparison with slicewise correction. Magn Reson.Med. 64, 1047-1056.
  10. Deppe, M., Kellinghaus, C., Duning, T., Moddel, G., Mohammadi, S., Deppe, K., Schiffbauer, H., Kugel, H., Keller, S.S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., 2008. Nerve fiber impairment of anterior tha- lamocortical circuitry in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Neurology 71, 1981-1985.
  11. Wagner, J., Schoene-Bake, J.C., Bien, C.G., Urbach, H., Elger, C.E., Weber, B. 2012. Automated 3D MRI volumetry reveals regional atrophy differences in Rasmussen encephalitis. Epilepsia 53, 613- 621
  12. Keller, S.S., Schöne-Bake, J., Weber, B., Deppe, M., 2012. Concomitant fractional anisotropy and volumetric abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy: cross-sectional evidence for progressive neurologic injury. PLOS ONE.