Temporallappen-Epilepsie (TLE):
In Münster und Bonn wurden die metabolischen und strukturellen Grundlagen der Marklagerveränderungen von TLE-Patienten gemeinsam in mittels Diffusionstensor-Imaging (DTI) und Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (MRS) untersucht. Die DTI-Ergebnisse einzelner Patienten wurden mit der Münsteraner DTI-Normdatenbank verglichen. Die bei TLE nachweisbaren Marklagerveränderungen und metabolischen Auffälligkeiten wurden auf i.) prä- und postoperative neuropsychologische Defizite; ii.) elektroenzepha-lographische Fokushinweise bei kryptogener TLE und iii.) psychiatrische Komorbiditäten bezogen.
SFB TR3 Teilprojekt A08 Veränderungen der weißen Substanz bei Temporallappen-Epilepsie: Untersuchung der strukturellen und metabolischen Grundlage und deren funktioneller Auswirkungen. DFG SFB TR3 Temporallappenepilepsie
Twelve selected (most relevant) project-related publications:
- Gerdes, J.S., Keller, S.S., Schwindt, W., Evers, S., Mohammadi, S., Deppe, M., 2012. Progression of microstructural putamen alterations in a case of symptomatic recurrent seizures using diffusion tensor imaging. Seizure.
- Keller, S.S., Gerdes, J.S., Mohammadi, S., Kellinghaus, C., Kugel, H., Deppe, K., Ringelstein, E.B., Evers, S., Schwindt, W., Deppe, M., 2012. Volume Estimation of the Thalamus Using Freesurfer and Stereology: Consistency between Methods. Neuroinformatics.
- Mohammadi, S., Keller, S.S., Glauche, V., Kugel, H., Jansen, A., Hutton, C., Floel, A., Deppe, M., 2012. The Influence of Spatial Registration on Detection of Cerebral Asymmetries using Voxel- Based Statistics of Fractional Anisotropy Images and TBSS. 2012 PLoS.One. (online).
- Keller, S.S., Roberts, N., Garcia-Finana, M., Mohammadi, S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., Deppe, M., 2011. Can the language-dominant hemisphere be predicted by brain anatomy? J.Cogn Neurosci. 23, 2013-2029.
- Keller, S.S., Ahrens, T., Mohammadi, S., Gerdes, J.S., Moddel, G., Kellinghaus, C., Kugel, H., We- ber, B., Ringelstein, E.B., Deppe, M., 2011. Voxel-Based Statistical Analysis of Fractional Anisotropy and Mean Diffusivity in Patients with Unilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy of Unknown Cause. J. Neuroimaging.
- Keller, S.S., Ahrens, T., Mohammadi, S., Moddel, G., Kugel, H., Ringelstein, E.B., Deppe, M., 2011. Microstructural and volumetric abnormalities of the putamen in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia 52, 1715-1724.
- Duning, T., Kellinghaus, C., Mohammadi, S., Schiffbauer, H., Keller, S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., Deppe, M., 2010. Individual white matter fractional anisotropy analysis on patients with MRI negative partial epilepsy. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry 81, 136-139.
- Meinzer, M., Mohammadi, S., Kugel, H., Schiffbauer, H., Floel, A., Albers, J., Kramer, K., Menke, R., Baumgartner, A., Knecht, S., Breitenstein, C., Deppe, M., 2010. Integrity of the hippocampus and surrounding white matter is correlated with language training success in aphasia. Neuroimage 53, 283-290.
- Mohammadi, S., Moller, H.E., Kugel, H., Muller, D.K., Deppe, M., 2010. Correcting eddy current and motion effects by affine whole-brain registrations: evaluation of three-dimensional distortions and comparison with slicewise correction. Magn Reson.Med. 64, 1047-1056.
- Deppe, M., Kellinghaus, C., Duning, T., Moddel, G., Mohammadi, S., Deppe, K., Schiffbauer, H., Kugel, H., Keller, S.S., Ringelstein, E.B., Knecht, S., 2008. Nerve fiber impairment of anterior tha- lamocortical circuitry in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Neurology 71, 1981-1985.
- Wagner, J., Schoene-Bake, J.C., Bien, C.G., Urbach, H., Elger, C.E., Weber, B. 2012. Automated 3D MRI volumetry reveals regional atrophy differences in Rasmussen encephalitis. Epilepsia 53, 613- 621
- Keller, S.S., Schöne-Bake, J., Weber, B., Deppe, M., 2012. Concomitant fractional anisotropy and volumetric abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy: cross-sectional evidence for progressive neurologic injury. PLOS ONE.